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Do you have a domain?

VexFox framework

So-called low-end version without framework and administration interface. The finished design will be uploaded and any further changes will be an improvement!



Uploading textual content to the homepage and subpages.

If you already have a website, we can transfer its content into the VexFox system through importing.


It allows you to write articles, which is a ranking factor in search engine optimization

The administration interface is supplemented with translation fields for two or more languages.

Enables multi-categorization if we want to group our content.

Possibility to redirect obsolete URLs properly.

The system is supplemented with the necessary parts for the operation of the webshop, products, inventory. Can be categorized with the Category module.

Enables sending newsletters via an external newsletter server through an SMTP connection.

Custom developments


Bidder's data

Calculated price

$ 0